IP : Checking...
Latitude :0
Longitude :0
General Information :
IP Address :Checking...
City :Checking...
Zip Code :Checking...
Region :Checking...
Region Code :Checking...
Country :Checking...
Current Date/time :Checking...
Battery :Checking...
As :Checking...
Additional Information :
Browser :Checking...
Browser Version :Checking...
Languages :Checking...
OS :Checking...
CPU cores :Checking...
GPU :Checking...
Screen orientation :
Screen size : x
Window size : x
Mouse position :X - 0, Y - 0
Screen Color Depth :Checking...
fps :Checking...
First visit :
Last visit :
Location not accurate?Update My IP Location
Time you spent
About picture
What is this about ? ๐Ÿค”Guess what? The moment you hop online, websites start snooping on you! ๐ŸŽ‰ No matter how tight you lock down your browser, some info slips through. Your IP address? Yeah, itโ€™s like your digital name tag, telling sites where youโ€™re chilling. All these little nuggets of info come together to create your online "fingerprint." Websites use this to build a profile on you, so they can sling ads your way or tweak your experience. Pretty wild, huh? ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Pro tip: Use a VPN to route your traffic and keep your location on the down low. Stay stealthy! ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ
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